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Album No.1
Winter Photography
Album No.2
Wildlife from Germany
Album No.4
Patagonia - Chile
Album No.3
Birds from Europe
y name is Marco Sepulveda. I'm a veterinarian (Universidad Austral de Chile), M.Sc. in Forest ciences (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg) and an Ornithologist. I have many years of professional experience in the areas of wildlife ecology (mainly ornithology) and nature conservation in my home country, Chile. I've lived in South Germany since 2012 and worked as an ornithologist there since 2014. When I started my Masters studies, I began observing and photographing the Birds around Freiburg, the Black Forest and the Alps, in Switzerland. My interest has continued to grow ever since.
Please feel free to explore my photo galleries and my Phototravel Blog!!!

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